School-related issues

Dr. Cawkwell’s private telepsychiatry allows for children, adolescents, and adults to receive a full range of diagnostic assessments from the comfort of their own homes.  PBC Psychiatry is fully optimized for privacy and security. To receive immediate access to care, click on the link below.

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What Are School-Related Issues That Can Impact Mental Health?

School-related issues that can affect mental health can result from the academic environment and other students, such as bullying and eating disorders, or even have to do with the individual themself, in the case of ADHD or learning disabilities.

How Does Bullying At School Affect Mental Health?

The McGovern Medical School of UTHealth Houston defines bullying as unwanted aggression from one or more individuals that involves either a real or perceived power imbalance. Students who are bullied are more likely to experience low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Bullying can take many forms, such as physical acts of intimidation, social exclusion, threats, coercion, destruction of the victim’s property, or even spreading rumors or lies about the victim. In today’s day and age, cyberbullying over social media can also be a concern.

How Much Of A Concern Are Eating Disorders?

As much as eating disorders can have to do with weight and appearance, or pressure from their peers and social media, they can also have to do with control. If a student struggles with perfectionism, low self-esteem, or mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, they can be at risk for eating disorders. As serious as eating disorders are, they are also treatable with support and professional help.

How Can ADD or ADHD Affect Someone’s Performance In School?

When a student has attention deficit disorders such as ADD or ADHD, it can affect their ability to do well in an academic setting. Traits of ADHD, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity directly affect a student’s focus on lessons and schoolwork. Without a proper diagnosis and support, it can even be possible for teachers and other academic professionals to misinterpret a student’s behavior resulting from ADHD, such as daydreaming, excessive talking, or getting out of their seat, as truant. You can learn more about the difference between ADD and ADHD, and the three different presentation types of ADHD here.

What Are Issues That Can Affect One’s Academic Performance?

Other issues that can affect someone’s academic performance, in addition to influence from environmental factors, include learning disabilities. You can read more about learning disabilities and other academic difficulties that students experience here.

When Should Someone Seek Diagnosis and Treatment?

No one should need to go through bullying or the effects of an eating disorder alone. Should you or a loved one experience mental health concerns due to their environment at school, it’s always a good idea to seek professional help. As for someone struggling with ADHD, a psychiatrist can provide the full range of treatment, from diagnosing ADHD to prescribing the proper medication, and providing psychotherapy. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, someone coping with school-related difficulties can feel in control of their life again.

If you reside in California, Oregon, and New York are seeking personalized psychiatric care, consider Dr. Cawkwell of PBC Psychiatry. Philip Cawkwell, MD offers a 100% virtual practice so that child, adolescent, and adult patients can all receive psychiatric care from the comfort of their own homes. If you want to request an appointment, fill out a brief consultation request to get started with PBC Psychiatry today!

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