Internet Addiction

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What Is Internet Addiction?

Although using the Internet is now a part of daily life in contemporary society, we are still understanding its impact on mental health. Psychology Today defines Internet addiction as the belief that people can lose control of their own behavior and suffer negative consequences due to becoming dependent on their phones and other electronic devices. It is proposed that Internet addiction can deter someone from studying, sleeping, and in-person socialization. Just as with other forms of addiction, Internet addiction impacts parts of the brain that are associated with pleasure and rewards.

As of the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Internet addiction has not been included. In this regard, Internet addiction or “being addicted to the Internet” is more of an informal or colloquial concept. However, the DSM-5 does include Internet Gaming Disorder, which can be related. You can learn about who is most susceptible to Gaming Disorder, and more, here.

What Are Types of Internet Addiction?

  • Someone may have Internet Gaming Addiction if they neglect daily tasks, other hobbies and interests, and even taking care of themselves in order to prioritize playing games online. Research shows that gamers who play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) online are more at risk of aggression and other adverse mental health effects, than gamers who do not participate.
  • Cybersex Addiction is when someone’s obsession with Internet pornography, or adult websites, chatrooms, and webcam services becomes potentially harmful to their ability to form real-life connections and relationships. Treatment involves intervention. There can often be an overlap in people who experience gaming addiction and problematic use of Internet pornography.
  • Net Compulsions are when someone becomes addicted to online gambling, online auction sites, or stock trading. Online Shopping Addiction can be included as well. All can result in financial problems.
  • Online Relationship Addiction occurs when finding and maintaining relationships in chat-rooms or social media sites are prioritized to the extent that real-life family and friends are neglected.
  • Information Overload, or Compulsive Information Seeking, has to do with information-gathering, web-browsing, and online researching that interferes with daily activities. Sometimes, this type of Internet addiction can be a manifestation of obsessive compulsive tendencies that were pre-existing.

When Should I Seek Diagnosis And Treatment?

If you worry that you have Internet addiction, and it is impacting your relationships, performance at work or at school, or your daily life, it may be time to seek support. Professional help can result in an adequate, working combination of talk therapy and medication so that you can feel like you are in control of your life again. If you reside in California, Oregon, and New York seeking personalized psychiatric care, consider Dr. Cawkwell of PBC Psychiatry. Philip Cawkwell, MD offers a 100% virtual practice so that child, adolescent, and adult patients can all receive psychiatric care from the comfort of their own home. If you want to request an appointment, fill out a brief consultation request to get started with PBC Psychiatry today!

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