Affective Disorders

Dr. Cawkwell’s private telepsychiatry allows for children, adolescents, and adults to receive a full range of diagnostic assessments from the comfort of their own homes.  PBC Psychiatry is fully optimized for privacy and security. To receive immediate access to care, click on the link below.

Black woman feeling depression symptoms alone at home

What is an affective disorder?

Affective disorders are a set of psychiatric disorders, also called mood disorders. The main types of affective disorders are depression and bipolar disorder. Although these disorders are well defined and specific, symptoms vary by individual and can range from mild to severe.

Affective disorders are commonly diagnosed during a psychiatric diagnostic assessment by a psychiatrist or other healthcare professional.

If you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms of any effective disorder, seeking help is the first step. PBC Psychiatry office telehealth appointments to ensure the availability of help to all the residents of California, Oregon, and New York. Dr. Cawkwell believes in improving the quality of life of his patients. So if you are experiencing symptoms that are disrupting your life or causing you distress, contact Dr. Cawkwell and find the treatment plan that is right for you.

Types Of Affective Disorders

Depression and Bipolar Disorder are the two main types of affective disorders. Within those two categories are different subgroups and variations that range in symptoms and severity.

What is Depression?

Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects your mood, behavior, and thought process. Depression can cause feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and loss of energy. Left untreated, the symptoms of depression can affect your performance at work and your ability to function at home.

Fortunately, depression is treatable with the professional help of Dr. Cawkwell at PBC Psychiatry, you can process and resolve the symptoms and causes of depression. Dr. Cawkwell has provided personalized care for California residents for many years and thanks to modern communication technology, you will have direct access to Dr. Cawkwell who can help you virtually in a telehealth appointment.

The most common types of depression include:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD). Previously called clinical depression, it includes long-term and persistent episodes of low mood, hopelessness, and fatigue, amongst other symptoms.
  • Persistent depressive disorder. Also called dysthymia, this type of depression is characterized by less severe depression symptoms occurring for at least 2 years
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This subtype most often occurs during the winter months when there’s less daylight.
  • Perinatal / Postpartum Depression (in women). Depression due to hormonal changes during and after pregnancy.

Certain physical conditions can also be the root cause of depression. These include conditions such as:

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health illness that causes people to experience dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and ability to function. People with bipolar disorder can go from severe highs to depressive lows. It is also a lifelong illness, meaning it will affect your life as long as you live. It can cause a lot of problems with relationships, work, and your personal life. As a lifelong condition, the goal of treatment is to manage the symptoms and allow you to take back control of your life.

Symptoms of affective disorders

The symptoms of affective disorders can vary greatly. There are some common signs, however, for each of the main types.

  • Depression
  • Irritability or anxiety
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of interest in normal activities
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Aches and pains that have no physical explanation
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Unusual and chronic mood changes

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